Sunday, October 9, 2011

Talking Points #4

Reflection: Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us
Author: Linda Christensen

I really enjoyed reading this article. It was interesting because it was about how cruel cartoons and disney movies are. Like most people, I do think it's wrong to not have a "disney princess" be a woman of color and not be a size 2. But, I don't think it is right for people to not watch these cartoons/movies anymore because of that reason. Of course everybody has their own opinion and mine is I am going to keep watching these movies and allow my children too, when I have kids.

Also, I saw that a girl in the authors class said she wasn't going to buy her niece and her nephew what they wanted (a Nintendo and a Barbie) for Christmas, instead she asked the clerk for a toy that wasn't sexist or racist. To be honest I don't think a Nintendo or a Barbie is sexist or racist. They have Nintendos for boy and girls and they have boy Barbies, girl Barbies and Barbies of all races.

I feel like people are taking things way out of proportion now a days. Everything someone says or does is racist. If people would focus on getting along with everyone of different sexes and races, then we could work on the media.


  1. I really agree with you, I'm shocked that it took this long to get a Barbie of a different race! But I don't think people should boycott buying toys for kids because of the color of the product.

  2. I really like this response. If you go searching for flaw you are more likely to find it. " they have boy Barbies, girl Barbies and Barbies of all races." Although technically all the barbies made are very thin, but would you want to play with a morbidly obese barbie? What would this teach children? If you try hard you could grow up to be fat and put yourself at health risks.

  3. Everything we see or read in the media or on T.V. we need to take as entertainment and that is all. Not a way of life.

  4. Besides, Barbie was based off of the creator's daughter, so Barbie can be forgiven in a way. That's just my little input, haha. But I'm with you, Courtney. While I realize that Disney and the media are bad influences, I'm still going to watch Disney movies and my kids will watch them too! I enjoyed them as a child, before realizing the "hidden meaning", and while I disagree with the hidden meanings, I still enjoy the movies just for what the movies are about!

  5. I agree with Phil but I think it is different with children's media. I feel they don't understand quite as easily that movies are just movies. I think what we see at that age may help shape what we expect of the world

  6. What would christensen say about all of this? Cnnect back to the author for another perspective...
